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  1. Ha ha, yeah, Ian was “tearing it up”. Good night and glad you got that on film, shame you didn’t get him pointing to the sky a bunch too..

  2. LOL. Nice moves Ian. You’re going to have to take on Shawn Collins, who I hear likes to serve up Internet Gangstas like you all the time with his dance moves.

  3. That’s it. I’m going to have to brush up on my moves for Vegas so I can show who the TRUE ghetto affiliate is 🙂

  4. I am just glad nobody from Convert2Media filmed my drunkeness…not only was it Gangsta it was down right crunk! I might have to pass on Vegas. I won’t be able to control myself!

  5. @Steve – If we end up at the same party and you start Krunkin’……expect to make fame 🙂

  6. lmao! omg, I wish I was there… Can’t believe im seeing this haha. Keep it up Ian w00t

  7. wigger mcgavin wigger mcgavin

    Small pimping like a muthafucka.

  8. Hahah. Not sure how I missed this up until now but this is some funny shit. Too bad ur camera didn’t have a light so we could get a good shot of the stand up version of “the worm” he was attempting.

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