Site: Myspace
Country: US Only
Max CPC: .10 Cents
Max Budget: $10
37,492 Impressions
79 Clicks
0.21% CTR
Cost: $7.90
Offer Niche: 1 Field Offer (Halloween Themed)
Clicks Reported On Affiliate Network: 91
Conversions: 3
Revenue: $4.50
Summary: While browsing around on I saw a case study that they ( themselves) did to “viral market” a new movie that’s coming out. The ad text said “You Have 10 Seconds To Click.” I thought it would be an interesting experiment to use that ad text and see if it effected click through rate in any way. It really had little effect. The ad that contained that urgent call to action actually had a lower CTR then the one I used previously that did not. It also converted worse since there was no real presale before the user got to the email submit. Another Social Media test, another failure! Next test will be a completely different niche.
500 clicks is min you should test with and would be good to run for 24 hours .