Everyone has their favorite communication tools online. One of mine is called Digsby. Digsby is a free multi protocol instant messaging client. It has a lot of cool features including the ability to automatically check your mail accounts and tell you when new mail arrives. This makes Digsby an all in one communication client because it can manage my email and IM. Another cool thing that it does is creates a Digsby account for you so that no matter where you sign onto your AIM accounts, all of your settings and buddies are synced.
Much Needed Feature Request
I get a lot of IM’s. I have a TON of buddies on my list. Remembering 100’s of peoples handles gets ridiculous and becomes impossible. The ability to give an alias to each buddy is helpful in remembering who the heck they are but I need more. I need the ability to add a note about each buddy. This way I can check the note when I get an IM from them and see how I know them and who they are. Otherwise I need to ask them to remind me how they know me, which comes off as pretty unprofessional.
Digsby, please add this feature.
they need to add irc client on there as well
@IAN – Totally agreed. Although that probably does not appeal to the masses.