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Crackin CAPTCHA’S, Bustin’ Kneecaps

Most of us know what a CAPTCHA is.  It’s that obnoxious little squiggly set of characters you need to type before a website allows you to do something (like posting a comment, buying something etc.).  These CAPTCHA’s are used to keep automated programs from executing sets of commands.  For a while, life was good.  Automated systems could actually use character recognition to decipher the images automatically, rendering CAPTCHA’s useless for those advanced enough to come up with such a system.  When ReCAPTCHA was released, life changed.

ReCaptcha is more then just a standard CAPTCHA system.  The characters are crazier, their are math equations, it can track and ban IP’s, among a sleuth of other features to stop automated programs from cracking them.  The only problem is that these are even easier to crack.  Just Hire Indians!

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Published inBustin Kneecaps


  1. Murali Murali

    $2/ 1000 captchas? I honestly feel sorry for those workers. I would seriously go crazy if I had to do that work.

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