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Automate To Save Time Not To Waste Time

I have a major gripe and we ALL deal with it.  Automated phone systems.  Whether you are calling Google, Yahoo, Your Bank or in my case today, Sirius Radio, we all contend with automated phone systems.

I was having a problem with my Sirius radio so I called tech support.  The automated system asked the following questions:

1) English or Spanish?
2) What department do you want to speak to?
3) Home phone number?
4) Home Address?
5) Name

After waiting about 10 minutes for tech support, the technician answers the phone.  She greets me and asks my name.  Then my home phone number followed by my address.  Why would you send me through an automated phone system to take this information and then pay a human to take it again before helping me with my problem?  Automated systems should be used to create more efficient systems.  The only reason I could see using an automated system is if it were going to record the information I gave it and then present it to the technician so the questions did not get asked twice.

Sirius is by no means the only company makes you give an automated phone system information and then asks for the same information again when you talk to a human.  Ever call Google Adwords support?  They ask for your client id and then ask for it again when you get connected.

Let’s make a pledge to ensure our automated systems are being used to create less work and help the consumer rather then create more frustration and redundancy.

That is all.

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Published inDoing Business


  1. Sounds like a chapter out of the 4 Hour Work Week…

    Have automated calling systems ever worked for anyone? I ussually throw my phone against the wall a few times before I ever get the answer I need.

  2. ben ben

    Automate calling workaround: just dont press any buttons when it asks you to, then they have to assume that you have a non touch tone phone or disability and after about 30 seconds or so put you through to a REAL person.

  3. Ad Hustler Ad Hustler

    @Justin – I still have to read that book. I only hear good things about it.

    @Ben – I will have to give that a try. Thanks for the tip.

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