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Facebook Disables 100 Of My Ads Then Sends Me An Email

Those MotherF%^**^*&($&*(^’s at Facebook are at it again.  In another attempt to ensure that their company NEVER becomes profitable, they have gone through advertiser accounts and removed ads that they don’t like.  I got about 100 ads disabled.  Heres the email they sent me after killing my ads:


One or more of your ads has been disabled for not being in compliance with our Advertising Terms. We reserve the right to determine what advertising we accept, and we may choose to not accept ads containing or relating to certain products or services. We will not allow the creation of any further Facebook Ads like those that were removed. We appreciate your cooperation with this policy.

Advertisements for Subscription Services must comply with the conditions noted below and as determined by Facebook in its sole discretion.  “Subscription Services” may include sites that promote downloading ringtones, wallpaper, or text messages for predictions, love life advice, news, personality quizzes, or other entertainment services, or any site that induces a user to sign up for recurring billing of a product or service.

Subscription Services conditions:

1. The promoted website must clearly and accurately display the price and billing interval (such as per week or once per month) on the landing page as well as any page that prompts a user for personal information (including, but not limited to, name, email address or phone number) or billing information (including, but not limited to, mobile phone number or credit card number).

2. If users sign up to your service by transmitting a code by text message, the price and billing interval must be clearly and prominently displayed beside the code.

3. If your service is a subscription, you must provide a prominent opt-in checkbox or other clear mechanism indicating that the user knowingly accepts the price and subscription service. This should be on the first page the user enters personal data, and the user should not be able to proceed without opting in.

4. All of the foregoing items should be located in a prominent place on your webpage, as determined by Facebook in its sole discretion, and should be easy to find, read, and understand.

The creation of further ads for these prohibited products may result in your account being disabled.

Thanks for your understanding,

The Facebook Ads Team

Ad Hustler

Published inSocial Media


  1. I think everyone got one of those.

    The irony for me is that I stopped all of the ads in my account while I set up a new “company” account rather than having the ads attached to my personal profile, so I wasn’t even running ads and got slapped!

  2. Ad Hustler Ad Hustler

    @Jim – A lot of my paused ads were also slapped. I’m trying to figure out the basis they used to disable ads. Was it the ad group? Was it the name of the ad? Was it manual? I am seeing no rhyme or reason. They even left some ads untouched. It’s very weird.

  3. Vlad Vlad

    @Matt – cloaking is great, until they ban your account 🙂

  4. Ad Hustler Ad Hustler

    @Matt – I’ve always sort of avoided cloaking. I have however participated quite a bit in the ol’ switcharoo. Put one page into approval, then switch it up once it’s approved.

  5. I bet it will only be a matter of time before FB changes their fickle minds once again due to a dramatic decline in revenue from this move.

  6. Damn! Sorry to hear that Ad hustler. I never moved into facebook ad space. I blame facebook for not having a solid ad platform as Google. If they had things like automated quality score and such, you wouldn’t see them doing these kind of things randomly. It’s almost they like their quality control is a manual process. They pause/reject you when they see things going out of hand and then the next day they let you back in.


  7. I received a similar email from Facebook yesterday — and I too didn’t even have any active Facebook ads running at that time. (All my campaigns were paused).

  8. @Niche – Your totally right. The whole process is MANUAL and up to different ad reviewers interpretation which leads to a ridiculous system.

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