We are now on to out 10th test of Social Media traffic. For test #10 I wanted to do something special for those who have stuck with these case studies. I am going to reveal signifigantly more information about the test. This test comprised of a new crush offer I saw come onto a network. The reason I decided to give it a try is because the landing page looked good and jived well with ad text that I knew would get a high click through rate. Here are the results as well as screenshots of the ad, socialmedia stats and landing page for the offer.
SocialMedia.com Metrics
Site: Myspace
Country: US Only
Max CPC: .10 Cents
Max Budget: $10
10,770 Impressions
157 Clicks
1.46% CTR
Cost: $10
Offer Niche: US Crush Offer
Clicks Reported On Affiliate Network: 174
Conversions: 0
Revenue: $0
Summary: This test was a complete disappointment. The reason I attempted it is because I liked the “(1) new crush message” gimmick on the actual landing page. As you can plainly see, the ad text elicits a response. The CTR was super high for Social Media at a whopping 1.46%. The ad text was also tightly tied to the landing page to increase conversion. Unfortunately that didn’t work since 157 people clicked the ad and 0 converted. Even if 1 converted it would be a loss and only produce a .06 cent EPC which wouldn’t even cover the SocialMedia clicks which are a minimum of .10 cents. If It were available on SocialMedia I would adjust demographic targeting to target only women and preferably young disgustingly fat ones, as I feel thats the demographic for this type of offer. Unfortunately that type of targeting isn’t available making it almost impossible to tweak these results. I’m overall unimpressed with SocialMedia.com up to this point.
That sucks, but you should definitely try another offer. I think MS is a gold mine at this point, so you keep up the rush! =)
Curious, though… was this Direct Linking? Maybe I missed that part? How does the Linking work?
I’m getting ready to give it a shot, but trying to see other peoples mistakes first LOL! Sorry, but that’s the truth.
Great case study example!
No offense at all. Thats the point of these case studies. Learn from my failures or successes. This was direct linked. SocialMedia.com has no rules about destination URL so direct linking is simple to do.
Damn bro, how much was your daily budget on this? I’ve been waiting for nearly 48 hours and all I can think of is maybe my DB is too low? I have 3 ads pending, all with around $100 daily budget each.
How have the results been since this test?
@Clint: $10 Max Budget. From my findings, Max budget does not at all play into getting approved from what ive seen so far. Are you sure the ads are actually not dissaproved?
During one of my SocialMedia tests I thought that I was still pending on an ad for far longer than I thought it should have. Turns out the ad was dissaproved because the editors thought it was deceptive. You may want to check on this because I never waited that long to get an ad approved on Social Media.
No, it says it’s pending. I was going to contact them right now, but I would rather not draw any flags for no reason as it says “pending” in my account and in the help section it shows:
* Approved – Your ad has been approved by the MySpace editorial team.
* Pending – Your ad is awaiting approval from the MySpace editorial team.
* Rejected – Your ad has been rejected by the MySpace editorial team.
I hate waiting this long, but I don’t want to raise any flags either LOL
If they’re not approved in the morning, I’ll have no choice BUT to contact them. This sucks!
Have you been running any tests since this case study?
SocialMedia is different then Myspace. I am using Social Media to target Myspace Apps. Sounds like you haven’t been approved for actual Myspace Advertising yet. That’s a whole other beast.
Yes I am running some tests with the new Myspace advertising platform. I should have some case studies next week.
Ahhh, I see! OK. Well, I took your advice anyway and contacted MySpace and they approved all ads and apologized… and I was worried that I would get some other type of response LOL
Well, I made $15 with my first 3 clicks that cost $.31 a pop. Nice ROI to start off with!
I’ll keep you updated.
Nice, keep us posted. That sounds like a pretty awesome niche